Many A&P applicants are unsure if they should spend the extra money for an oral and practical exam preparation class of some kind. Here's my take on it: If you are a recent graduate of a FAR 147 A&P school, you probably don't need a prep class. If you scored in the high 90's on your written exams you
might be OK to take the O&P cold as well. However, if your aircraft maintenance background is mostly military, you probably need some kind of prep class such as the one I (and others) offer. I was in the USAF, for four years, and went through the usual tech schools and CDC's, JOTS, and all that stuff to become a 5 level mechanic. But I knew nothing about reciprocating engines, sheet metal work, weldng, painting, dope and fabric and all the stuff that an A&P is supposed to know. You are simply not exposed to all the core subject areas in the military that you are in a FAR 147 school. Let's be honest; anyone can pass the written exams simply by rote memorization.
This is not true with the oral and practical exams. Practically all the FAR 65 applicants know this, and choose the prep class option. At least all the ones that pass do. Ask anyone who has an A&P ticket, and you will probably get the same advice.